Our Services

There’s no Job too big or too small for us to take on.

Coconut Deseeding / denutting

Coconut Deseeding/ Denutting is a practice here in Cairns and in most tropical environments around the world that not only harvests ripe fruit but makes living under these palms much safer. Deseeding can be performed via Cherrypickers and Elevated work platforms, also by climbing which is an experience on windy days. Ripe fruit can be harvested usually every 6 months, for safety sakes we like to Deseed on 3-to-4-month cycles to guarantee safety to infrastructure and pedestrian traffic.

How often should I denut my cocnut trees?

Most coconut palms need to be done 2-3 times a year. Deseeding sooner rather than later is usually cheaper over time due to loaded coconut palms being more difficult to work on.

How many fronds can I remove from my palms?

Removing too many can cause growth issues like narrowing of the trunk and basically starves the palm. 9:00- 3:00 on the clock face is how a pruned palm should remain for optimum health.

View Clearing

View Clearing can be challenging in many aspects. The importance of trees for slope stability and erosion control is paramount but sometimes “A little off the top” is all that’s needed to show off your million-dollar views. Having worked with Councils we are aware of regulations and the dos and don’ts of pruning trees that may not be on your property.

We liase with Council Arborists and follow Australian Standard 4373-2007 Pruning Amenity Trees.

Does yearly pruning for my view damage the trees?

Not if trimmed correctly. Trimming back regrowth and not making new cuts lower each time is a control method of maintaining most trees for view or away from infrastructure.

Where do the branches go when pruning hillsides?

All job related vegetation needs to be removed. During major weather events timber and vegetation can slide downhill blocking drains and waterways causing flooding.

Tree Removals

Tree Removals are performed by Qualified Arborists using the best tools with the best gear. 20 Yrs experience creates a calm and very controlled worksite. As a Diploma Qualified Arborist, Trent has seen most situations and can work with EWP’s, Cranes or even Helicopters to perform your Tree Removal.

If you need advice on whether a particular tree needs removal or can be preserved, get in touch for a free informative quote

Do I need approval to trim or remove a tree from my property?

In some cases Yes. You can undertake the following tree management without Council approval as found on the Cairns City Council website.

What qualifications should my tree lopper have?

Cert 3 in Arboriculture is a must. Qualified Arborists are trained on where to cut and how to leave the tree its best chances to regrow correctly without infection.

Tree Pruning

Tree Pruning should always be carried out by qualified personnel following Australian Standards 4373-2007 Pruning Amenity Trees. Time of year, species and weather conditions are factors that need to be considered before Tree pruning. Considering regrowth on our fast-growing Cairns Trees is very important.

Tree loppers in Cairns need to be aware not to create potential hazards or promote insecure regrowth

What is tree pruning and is it necessary?

Pruning is when you selectively remove branches from a tree, the goal is to remove unwanted branches to improve the trees structure and direct new healthy growth.

What does pruning do to a tree?

Pruning can be best used to encourage trees to develop a strong structure and reduce the likelihood of damage during severe weather events. Removing damaged or broken limbs encourage wound closure. This is known as Deadwooding. Pruning for aesthetics can still be beneficial for a tree if done correctly.

Are you insured?

Yes, we have a trusted company which handles most Cairns Tree lopping Companies.

Can you give me a quote from a photo?

Palms maybe but trees are very deceiving in photos. Most cases quoting in person is best to establish access or liaise with neighbours and 3rd parties which may be impacted.

Do I need to be at home on the day of my tree work?

Not often. We can unleash pets on completion or lock up behind ourselves. Let us know of any concerns you may have if you are busy on the day.

Do you clean up all rubbish?

Yes, everything job related and taking care not to leave waste in drains or waterways.